The Hepatitis B Positive Trust 
Our mission is to end the terrible silence about the UK's booming epidemic of Infections and lack of testing and vaccinations for all those at risk.  To draw together  people with Hepatitis B, to give them a bigger collective voice to exact better services, and to enable them to support one another. We also aim to:
interventions designed to prevent hepatitis B infection and deaths via, 
Universal vaccination of our children
Safety testing the 20 million at high risk
The welfare of people with hepatitis B infection and its related complications by educating:
  1. People living with hepatitis B infection
  2. The Health professionals who care for them
  3. The general public
  4. Facilitate supportive networking between patients, their families and friends.
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    20,000 Helpline Callers cared for

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    57,000 social media members

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    200,000 You Tube Views

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    Over a million vaccinations and tests consulted on

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    3 million website views

  • The Hepatitis B Trust


Our Services
Freephone Helpline                                                         In Depth Advice and Education                                 Vaccinations and Testing

Our helpline is strictly confidential and staffed by qualified experts, who have time to explain both hepatitis b and your results  
We teach both patients and professionals to understand and manage Hepatitis B infections and consequences
We are clinically trained to provide blood Hepatitis B testing and vaccinations to individuals and large organisations
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